Family Green Card Interview Questions & Answers for Spouse, Child, Parents & More

Key Points to Know

  • Knowing the kinds of questions to expect at your interview and preparing for them will make a difference in your application process.
  • A qualified immigration attorney can coach you on what you can expect during the interview.
  • Never lie if you don’t know the answer to a question.

The immigration interview is usually the final phase of the family green card application process. It’s crucial to be well-prepared as you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort to reach this stage. Familiarize yourself with sample family green card interview questions, tips, background information, and frequently asked questions in this guide. Obtaining a family green card can be challenging due to immigration laws and the numerous required forms. VisaNation simplifies the entire process, making it seamless and easy. Start today!

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What is the Family Green Card Interview

The family green card interview, whether inside or outside the U.S., has two main goals:

  • To establish whether you and your sponsor are eligible as applicant and petitioner; and
  • Whether the information provided in the forms and evidentiary documents are valid

Knowing the kinds of questions to expect at your interview and preparing for them will make a difference in your application process. For example, if all your documents line up, you might last just 20 minutes. In this article, we have compiled the most common questions at a family green card interview. Are you just thinking about securing a green card for your family? Let VisaNation assist you throughout the entire process. Create your application today!

Family Green Card Interview Questions 2024

The most common family green card is the marriage-based category, which involves spouses and minors of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. This is commonly known as the marriage-based green card interview. The essence is to establish that your marriage is bona fide and that the applicant entered the marriage in good faith based on love rather than for immigration benefits. Some of the sample questions include:

common family green card questions

Questions About How You Met

You may be asked some questions about how you began your relationship and how it developed into a serious relationship that led to marriage. Some of the usual questions and answers for this include:

  • How and where did you meet?
    • Answer: We met at a friend’s birthday party in New York City in June 2019.
  • Who introduced you?
    • Answer: We were introduced by our mutual friend, Emily, who was the host of the party.
  • When did you meet? Where was your first date?
    • Answer: We met in June 2019, and our first date was at a coffee shop in downtown Manhattan a week after we met.
  • Where was your spouse living when you met?
    • Answer: When we met, my spouse was living in an apartment in Brooklyn, New York.
  • Who did they live with before the marriage?
    • Answer: Before our marriage, my spouse shared the apartment with two roommates, John and Sarah.
  • When did your relationship become romantic?
    • Answer: Our relationship took a romantic turn about a month after we first met, so around July 2019.
  • Who proposed between the two of you?
    • Answer: My spouse proposed to me.
  • Where and when did the proposal take place?
    • Answer: The proposal took place at Central Park in New York City, in October 2020.
  • Who witnessed the proposal?
    • Answer: The proposal was a private moment, so there were no witnesses, although there were other people in the park at the time.
  • How long did you court before marriage?
    • Answer: We courted for about a year and a half before getting married.
  • Where and when did you meet your in-laws?
    • Answer: I met my in-laws during Thanksgiving dinner at their home in November 2019, about five months after we started dating.

Questions About Your Wedding

You will likely be asked questions that directly relate to your wedding or even the planning of your wedding. Below are some examples of those questions and answers:

  • When did you marry?
    • Answer: We got married on September 12, 2021.
  • Where did the wedding take place?
    • Answer: The wedding ceremony was held at St. Mary’s Church in Manhattan.
  • Where was the wedding reception?
    • Answer: The reception was at The Plaza Hotel in New York City.
  • How many guests were there at the wedding?
    • Answer: We had approximately 100 guests at our wedding.
  • Who were the bridesmaids and groomsmen?
    • Answer: The bridesmaids were my sister Anna, my best friend Lisa, and my college roommate Megan. The groomsmen were my spouse’s brother Mike, his childhood friend Chris, and his college buddy Alex.
  • Where did you go for your honeymoon?
    • Answer: We went to Maui, Hawaii for our honeymoon.
  • What type of food was served?
    • Answer: We served a variety of cuisines, including Italian pasta, a seafood bar, a carving station with roast beef, and an assortment of vegetarian dishes. There was also a dessert table with a variety of cakes and pastries.

Reunite with Your Family


Questions About Your Relationship

The relationship is the foundation of any family green card application. You should certainly be ready to answer this type of question and below are some examples to help you prepare for them:

  • When is your wedding anniversary?
    • Answer: Our wedding anniversary is on September 12th.
  • How many rooms does your home have?
    • Answer: Our home has three rooms – a bedroom, a living room, and a study.
  • Are all the rooms on the same side of the home?
    • Answer: No, the bedroom and study are on one side, while the living room is on the other side.
  • Where does your landlord live?
    • Answer: Our landlord lives in a different building, about a 15-minute drive away from us.
  • Who takes care of family finances?
    • Answer: I primarily take care of the family finances.
  • Who pays the mortgage or rent for the home?
    • Answer: I pay the rent for our home.
  • What bank do you use?
    • Answer: We use Chase Bank for our banking needs.
  • Do you have a joint account?
    • Answer: Yes, we have a joint checking account.
  • Are both your salaries deposited into the same account?
    • Answer: Yes, both of our salaries are deposited into our joint account.
  • Can you briefly describe the furniture in your bedroom?
    • Answer: Our bedroom has a king-sized bed with a dark wood frame, two nightstands on either side, a dresser with a mirror, and a small writing desk near the window.
  • How do you celebrate a special family moment?
    • Answer: For special family moments, we often go out for dinner at a nice restaurant or cook a special meal at home. We also like to call or video chat with family members who are far away.
  • What is daily life like together?
    • Answer: Our daily life involves both of us going to work on weekdays, cooking dinner together or sometimes ordering in, watching TV or reading in the evenings, and spending weekends doing various activities like hiking, visiting friends, or working on hobbies.
  • Who cooks more?
    • Answer: I cook more often than my spouse does.
  • Who likes to clean?
    • Answer: Neither of us particularly likes to clean, but we share the responsibility. I usually do more of the vacuuming and dusting, while my spouse tends to do the laundry and dishes.
  • How does your day begin?
    • Answer: Our day usually begins with a quick breakfast, often just coffee and toast or cereal. We both get ready for work and usually leave the house around the same time.

Questions About Your Spouse

There is no marriage green card without the second part of your marriage – your spouse. You will almost guaranteed be asked questions about this topic. Find some sample questions and answers below:

  • What is your spouse’s immigration status?
    • Answer: My spouse is a permanent resident of the United States.
  • What is your spouse’s date of birth?
    • Answer: My spouse was born on April 10, 1988.
  • What type of work do they do?
    • Answer: My spouse works as a software engineer.
  • Where do they work now?
    • Answer: They are currently employed at Google in their New York City office.
  • What is their position?
    • Answer: My spouse holds the position of Senior Software Engineer.
  • What is their work schedule?
    • Answer: They typically work Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • How much is their salary?
    • Answer: My spouse earns around $120,000 per year.
  • Where was he/she working when you met?
    • Answer: When we met, my spouse was working at a small tech startup in Manhattan.
  • Did they have a car when you met? What color, model?
    • Answer: Yes, when we met, my spouse had a gray Honda Civic.
  • Do they still drive the same car? If not, when did they change it?
    • Answer: No, they changed cars in 2022. They now drive a black Tesla Model 3.
  • How much is the car loan on their car? How much do they pay monthly?
    • Answer: The car loan for the Tesla was for $35,000, and they pay about $600 per month.
  • What is their favorite meal?
    • Answer: Their favorite meal is sushi, particularly salmon nigiri.
  • Where did they go to school?
    • Answer: My spouse attended high school at Lincoln High in Brooklyn and then went to New York University.
  • Did he/she attend college?
    • Answer: Yes, they attended New York University for college.
  • What did they major in?
    • Answer: My spouse majored in Computer Science.
  • What degree did they get?
    • Answer: They obtained a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
  • How many siblings do they have? Have you met them before?
    • Answer: My spouse has one sibling, a sister, and yes, I’ve met her several times.
  • Who is their best friend?
    • Answer: Their best friend is Alex, whom they’ve known since college.
  • Do you both have mutual friends?
    • Answer: Yes, we have several mutual friends, including Emily, who introduced us, and a few others we’ve met through social gatherings and work events.

Questions About Your Physical Appearance

Although not everyone is asked about physical appearance, you should still be prepared to answer them. Some sample questions and answers are below:

  • How tall are they?
  • What is the color of their hair?
  • What is the color of their eyes?

Not sure where to start or what documents you need to submit? We can help you with the entire process, from start to finish. Start today!

Green Card Interview Questions for Child

If an adult child of a U.S. citizen is seeking a green card, USCIS may pose the following questions during the green card interview:

  • What is the full name of your father/mother?
    • Answer: My father’s full name is John Michael Smith and my mother’s full name is Mary Elizabeth Smith.
  • When is your date of birth?
    • Answer: My date of birth is March 15, 1985.
  • What country were you born in?
    • Answer: I was born in Canada.
  • Where do you currently live?
    • Answer: I currently live in Toronto, Canada.
  • Why do you wish to come to the United States?
    • Answer: I wish to come to the United States to reunite with my family and pursue better career opportunities.
  • What sort of familial relationship do you now have?
    • Answer: Currently, I am married and have a close relationship with my spouse, who is a U.S. citizen. I also maintain a strong bond with my parents and siblings.
  • Do you have evidence to support the relationship with your parents?
    • Answer: Yes, I have birth certificates, family photographs, and other documents that establish my relationship with my parents.
  • What is your race?
    • Answer: I am Caucasian.
  • What is your phone number/current address?
    • Answer: My phone number is 123-873-1212, and my current address is 123 Maple Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The main factor they will determine is that the relationship is valid and you are the son/daughter of a U.S. citizen.

Family Green Card Interview Questions for Other Applicants

For other family relationships such as siblings, parents, married children, and unmarried children (over 21 years of age), the questions are also based on the family relationship between you and your sponsor. However, they are not as intimate as they are for a marriage-based green card. Some green card interview questions for a child or other family applicants may revolve around the following topics:

  • If you genuinely have a qualifying familial relationship with the sponsor claimed in your application
  • If your sponsor is a citizen or lawful permanent resident
  • If you have any disqualifying past criminal record (your police clearance certificate will be reviewed)
  • If you have ever violated any U.S. immigration law (your immigration database will be reviewed)
  • If you have drug addictions or if you are or once were a drug addict or dealer
  • Whether or not you are a habitual drunkard
  • That you are not a terrorist or belong to any terrorist organization
  • If your children are indeed yours (if you have children on your application)
  • If your marriage is bona fide and entered into in good faith, if you filed with your spouse
  • Whether or not you have any infectious disease by checking your medical examination

NOTE: These questions may not be as direct as they are in the marriage-based interview. The officers usually have a way of verifying whatever information you give at the interview with the one filled in your form.

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Tips for Family Green Card Interview

The following tips will help you have a successful interview:

Be Punctual

The immigration officers schedule several interviews every day, and they work based on the schedule. Therefore, ensure you don’t come late to the interview. Arriving at the interview location several minutes before your scheduled time is good. Tardiness may show that you are not taking your interview seriously.

Your Appearance and Composure Matters

Appearing or acting nervous may indicate a red flag. Remain composed and answer each question confidently. Also, wearing conservative or professional clothing will portray you as someone taking the interview seriously. Avoid dresses that may appear controversial or offensive, such as revealing clothing or clothes with political slogans or inscriptions.

Be Truthful

The best way to answer the green card interview questions is to be honest and concise. Immigration officers are highly experienced, and in many cases, it is not hard for them to know if an interviewee is not telling the truth. Lying during your interview will not only affect your green card processing but may bar you from future attempts to enter the U.S.

If there are any green card interview questions you are unsure about or cannot vividly remember, give just as much detail as you have for the moment and move on to the next question. Try to avoid rambling or being incoherent. If there are specific questions you are not comfortable answering, you will need to discuss this with your attorney before the interview starts.

Securing a green card for your family members is an unbelievable feeling. They can finally join and stay with you in the U.S. permanently whilst enjoying all the benefits of living in this beautiful country. Are you only thinking about applying for a family green card? At VisaNation, we can assist you throughout the entire process, from application to approval. Get started today!

What Happens After the Interview?

If everything goes well at your interview, the next is to get the decision from the officer. Sometimes, a determination is made right after the interview, and you will know if your green card application has been approved. However, this isn’t always the case. You may need to wait for several weeks or months before a decision is made. This usually happens if your application is subject to further review or sent to a supervisor for approval. You may also receive a Request for Additional Evidence (RFE), which may further prolong the waiting times.

When Do I Receive My Green Card After a USCIS Interview?

Even if your application is approved immediately after the interview, you will not get your green card right away. The USCIS only issues a green card through the mail, which may come several weeks after your interview.

When Do I Receive My Green Card After a Consular Interview?

If you are interviewed outside the U.S. and the consular officer approves your application, you will also not get your green card immediately. The officer will only stamp your passport to indicate permanent residency approval until the official green card arrives. You will be given a sealed immigration packet, allowing you to travel to the U.S. Do not open this packet.

Once you arrive at a U.S. port of entry, a customs officer will collect and check your sealed immigration packet. After reviewing your packet, the officer may decide to grant or deny you entry. If you are granted entry at the port of entry, you will be able to enter the U.S. as a permanent resident, and your official green card will be mailed to you some weeks after your arrival.

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How to Get a Family Green Card

A U.S. citizen or green card holder can sponsor a family-based green card. The petitioner and the beneficiary must prove they have a qualifying familial relationship and meet all the eligibility criteria. In addition, both of you will need to complete a series of forms and submit them with supporting evidence. These documents may vary depending on your category and location. Generally, the USCIS requires the following:

The Petitioner will:

The Beneficiary will:

  • File an I-485, Petition to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, if you are already in the U.S. on a valid visa
  • Go through consular processing if you are outside the U.S. or not on a valid visa
  • Submit biographic information
  • Complete the medical examination and submit the results

Once the items submitted are processed and approved, you will need to attend an interview where the government will make the final decision on your application. You will be notified of the date and location before the interview.

Marriage-based immigration is very popular in the U.S. However, it also involves one of the most complicated application processes. There are numerous documents and forms to submit, even before the interview stage. At VisaNation we aim to make the process easy and fast for you. Start your family’s green card journey now!

Frequently Asked Questions About the Interview

Below are some frequently asked questions our team receives regarding the green card interview.

Will an interpreter be provided during my adjustment of status interview if I am not comfortable speaking English?

While USCIS will not provide an interpreter for you, you can hire your own interpreter or bring a friend who can translate for you. Note that the interpreter must be over 18 years old and fluent in both languages. The sponsoring spouse can’t act as the interpreter.

Does USCIS interview minors?

Often, USCIS will waive the interview for minor applicants.

Can I get a green card for my child over the age of 21?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you can get a green card for your child regardless of their marital status. However, permanent residents can only sponsor children over 21 years old if that child is unmarried.

Can you fail a green card interview?

Yes, you can be issued a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) your green card application if the USCIS officer finds your case not to meet the requirements. Alternatively, they may decide to investigate your case more thoroughly before ruling. If the USCIS officer finds that your case is complete and everything is legitimate, you could get conditional permanent resident status right after the interview. Consult with your attorney to ensure all documents are appropriately vetted, and you have the best chance of securing an approval.

How VisaNation Law Group Can Help

The family-based green card application process involves a long and strenuous journey. An interview means you have invested money, time, and energy to get this far. Unfortunately, a single mistake during your interview can lead to a setback or denial. You can avoid this by engaging the services of a family-based green card immigration lawyer.

VisaNation Law Group has a team of highly qualified immigration attorneys with extensive knowledge and experience in the family green card process. They will help prepare your petitions with all necessary supporting evidence to avoid RFEs that could cause delays. Get started today!