N-400 Naturalization Processing Time

For proper documentation of all residents in the U.S., the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provides different forms for each of its services offered to both citizens and immigrants of the U.S. One of these forms is specifically for those seeking citizenship: the N-400 Application for Naturalization.

What is the N-400 Naturalization Application?

The USCIS is the government agency responsible for handling cases pertaining to immigrants’ eligibility to work and residence in the country. For easy identification and understanding of the various applications, the USCIS has a code name for each of the forms used in filling different immigration cases at its office.

The N-400 form is the form immigrants must file to begin the process of becoming a citizen in the country. Before considering the process of naturalization, you should meet the United States eligibility requirements for citizens. The requirements include:

  • Being at least 18 years old
  • Being a permanent resident for at least five years (or three years if you are filing as a spouse to a U.S. citizen)
  • Being a permanent resident (green card holder) of the state or district of your residence for at least three months and being of good moral character.
  • Must have continuous residence (Must be present in the U.S. for 30 out of 60 months for five-year applicants) (Must be present in the U.S. for 18 out of the 36 months for three-year applicants)
  • Must be proficient in English as the interview and civics test will be in English

Once you meet these requirements, you can proceed with the N-400 application process.

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Average N-400 Naturalization Processing Times

The USCIS processes applications for various services, each with its own timeline, requirements, and fees. Many applications involve completing forms either on paper or online, followed by interviews and biometric screening.

The naturalization processing time for the N-400 application averages between 6 and 9 months. It depends on the city you are processing in, the allocated service center, the time of year, and your unique situation.

In between the day when the application process commences and the day when you will officially be a citizen of the United States of America, several activities will take place. The step by step of these activities after your application submission has been verified and deemed worthy of processing are as follows:

  • Biometrics: USCIS will schedule you for biometric screening to verify your identity authenticity by collecting your fingerprints and signature. You must provide a recognized ID at this appointment (e.g., your passport or driver’s license). If the biometric screening goes successfully, then you will proceed to the next step.
  • Appointment for Naturalization Interview: USCIS will test your eligibility status, your ability to read, write, and speak the English language, and your basic knowledge of the country’s history and civic values. The officers will also ask questions about your case in order to be sure of how accurate your claims are in your application form.
  • Post-Interview: If after the interview, they feel there is a need to subject your application to further review, they may ask you to supply additional evidence or schedule another interview. However, if officials think you have proven yourself worthy, they will approve you for the next process. Now, you are one step closer to your dream of becoming a citizen.
  • Oath of Allegiance: If your interview session is confirmed to be successful, then you are given a date for the oath of allegiance ceremony. The oath ceremony is usually conducted by a USCIS official or by a judge. After the oath, you will be considered an official citizen of the United States of America.

Naturalization Processing Time

How Much Does the N-400 Naturalization Application Cost?

The cost of N-400 naturalization is 710$ online and $760 if you file by paper, which covers both the N-400 filing fee and biometric services fee. You can pay the fee with your debit card, credit card, or bank transfer. The USCIS provides a fee waiver for those who cannot afford the N-400 filing fee.

To qualify, you have to file an I-192 to request the waiver, and you must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you truly cannot afford it.

Can I File My N-400 Naturalization Application Online?

The N-400 Naturalization Application process used to be only by mail, but now USCIS lets applicants file online. With this, you can begin the process in the comfort of your home or office. To file your application online, the first step is to create a USCIS account with an email address and password. You can also check the status of your case as well receive updates from the USCIS. With an online account, you can:

  • View the completion date estimates of your application.
  • Respond to the USCIS requests for evidence.
  • Manage your contact information. This online account saves you the time and energy you would spend driving to the USCIS office to submit your form.
  • Also, if there is any additional information needed or a schedule for an interview, you get to receive the update and respond faster compared to mail filing

What if My Application Takes More Than the Normal N-400 Naturalization Processing Time?

N-400 naturalization application process delay or denial might fall under the following conditions:

  • If your application is outside the normal naturalization processing time, you can send an inquiry to the USCIS to learn the reason for the delay.
  • While your application process is ongoing, the USCIS usually sends a notification to you to update you on the status of your application or to request additional evidence. If your application processing is taking a longer time than expected, to be sure you have not missed any notification from the USCIS, you will need to check your application status online.

The following items must be included when creating an inquiry with the USCIS:

  • The receipt number of your N-400
  • Your A-number. This is the unique eight- or nine-digit alien number issued to you when you were just entering the country as a noncitizen. It begins with the letter “A” and is followed by eight or nine digits.
  • The Date Your Application was Filed: Your inquiry must also include the date when your N-400 was filed.

How VisaNation Law Group Immigration Attorneys Can Help

As of September 2024, the USCIS website reported that 514,866 applications for N-400 applications were still pending and “waiting for decision as of the end of the reporting period,” and 20,506 had been denied, terminated, or withdrawn. These backlogs have left many green card holders disappointed in their journey for citizenship. Avoid this frustration by working with an experienced immigration attorney.

The best way to prevent experiencing such delay is to get the service of a qualified and experienced immigration attorney to guide you through the process.VisaNation Law Group’s immigration attorneys specialize in naturalization and other immigration services. With years of experience and a proven track record, we can help you through the N-400 process and help you obtain U.S. citizenship.

To get in touch with a VisaNation Law Group immigration attorney, you can fill out this contact form or schedule your consultation with our office today.